Monday, May 30, 2016

3.21.16 - 4.20.16

And so started the month of the outage, it was so hard to have Daddy working so much!! So glad that has come and gone! We are so grateful for him to work for us, but we also love to have him home! This spring weather started so weird! Lots of snow, then sunshine, then snow!

We had planned to go to the park this day, and this is what McKell woke up to. Oh no!

Really upset, then I thought we could go find the snow clothes!

Oh baby!!! 

Our beautiful snowman, March 22. 

Katherine came by to make cadbury cookies!! 

Jens really wants to eat that play dough and is trying to sneak some in.

McKell wanted to have some make up on like Mommy!

Headed to town for groceries! 

Another sucker!! hahaha

McKell wanted some sprinkles on her toast! 

Care Center Easter Egg Hunt! 

Couldn't look at me, too busy watching kids find her eggs! baha

Lexie and her with their loot.

A trip to the park! 

Down to Quality for their annual cotton candy! Sorry hotdogs, you disgust me.

Easter morning!! (Or the day before?? We did it when Clint was home, it wasn't Easter)

Someone likes the Peeps!

His cute neck.

Making us some breakfast.

Cutest cook in town! 

Workout with Aunt Rach before we head to the dunes! 

Lots of Easter fun at the dunes.

The cousins had a zipline from the top of a dune to the bottom, tied to trucks on each end! baha McKell and I had to try it out! 

His first taste of sand! 

She had so much fun on this cute little wheeler! Cousins are the best! 


Crazy weather.

Happy Easter! 

More make up for sis.

So tired.

Happy Easter! 

Beautiful Easter dress!

Easter Egg Hunt with Katherine and Grandpa Clark.




During the outage we went to the park each and every day! Sometimes twice a day! 

Cutie loves the swing.

My bathroom helpers! 

Cleaning turns into bathtime! 

Finding some good castle dirt.

Finally warm enough for a walk! 

Someone fell asleep. 

Checking out the chicks!!

Grandma and Grandpa got chicks! 

Her one and only soccer game! Ben, does this look familiar????? She told me that she was a bird, not kidding!!! 

She was done halfway through, and told me she never wanted to go back. We didn't! haha oh well! 


Someone trying to hide in our bed! 

Can you believe that four days ago it was snowing?!?! 

Love this boy!


He loves it when Wes forgets to put the guitar away! 

Enjoying some sun!

Yay for Grandpa!!

Love these two.

Tending Jase, waiting for McKell to get out of dance! It was a party!

"Mom, I love babysitting!"

Birthday package for Jens from Aunt Janet.

Loves her bath toys!

Letting Jens have a go on the bike.

He's a natural!

Trying out new sound muffs for rides, must have been an upsetting show! 

Another night for a ride! 

Soo Fun!!

Dance Rehearsal and Pictures!

Ice Cream Celebration! 

More park fun! 

Chocolate Stache

We just zonker him out! 

I don't know if you can tell, but she only has undies on.... wonder where she gets that from!

Picnic at the park!

Showing Lexie how to be brave! 

Picking Dandelions.... that one is a honker!  

Found a worm! Wanted to send him "Free and in the Wild". 

Jens found a buddy! 

McKell was so happy when she saw watermelon at the store and had to get one!! Pretty good for the first of the season! 

Walk home from church.

So happy when Daddy is home!

Sun baby.


My little early morning buddy.

Headed out to see Dad!

Taking lunch out to Dad on his lunch break! 

WE miss you!


Katherine is going to open her call! 

McKell was waiting all night for someone 



Yay Wichita Kansas!! 


Someone found one of his favorite treats! Whoops!

Cutie loves mopping! 

Now... no undies... whoops!

More lunch dates with Daddy!

So cute!

A visit from Grandpa. 

Feels so good!! 

Making treats! 

McKell has to put candles in everything and then sing happy birthday! She is too cute!

Maddie over to play!

Love my little buddy!

Wanted to study like Grandpa.

Big helper!

Doctor's visit.

Such a big boy!

Costco run after the doctor and park!


Sleepover with Dad.

Food and a package.... what could be better!?! 

Church time! 

Went to see the pigs! 

An orange stuck to Jens' bottom! 

Gorgeous blooming tree at the park! 

We love bike rides! 

Trying on her new gear! 

Such a beautiful girl!! 

Just can't get enough rides in! 


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