Sunday, July 21, 2013

Promotion, Running, High Chair, Celery

Not to much new stuff this week, except that Clint got promoted!! Yayy!! So proud of him! He got 96% on his written test, and also passed everything else with flying colors! I am so proud of him! Oh wait, I already said that! : )  Love him!

Hardest job ever!! But Clint is so good at it! Thanks Clint! 

Trimming the nails......

For the past few months I have been getting ready to run my first race, a 10K! Super nervous, but super excited! It is on Pioneer Day up in Salt Lake.

Our set of wheels.

My best running buddy! Doesn't mind getting up early ; ), loves the views and the downhills and always keeps me going! 

Running just wears her right out! 

We finally got McKell a high chair! Yay! I love it, it is so nice to have somewhere to put her and some toys while I am getting dinner or doing something in the kitchen! The bumbo was nice, but it was definitely time to move on! : )

Also this week we discovered that McKell LOVES to chew on celery! It is one of her new favorite things! She chews on it, until the celery just can't take it anymore! ; )

It was impossible to take a picture of her cause she is moving around so much, but you get the just of it! : )

So, I am obsessed with these pictures! So here are quite a few, she loves crawling up on that game box and trying to get as high as she can! Always getting on her tip toes! 

Always chewing on something! 

Love those close ups! 

So we haven't been down to my parents for dinner for at least a couple months, and Mom wanted to have a promotion dinner for Clint, which was super nice! So we headed down there for some great food! 
Shrimp and Pineapple kabobs, Red Lobster biscuits, salad, coconut rice and some incredible coconut cake for my coconut lover! (that is a lot of coconut!) : ) Thanks so much mom, you always make Clint feel just like your own!! We love you! 

Afterwards we went on a Sunday walk, which was so nice! And of course she feel asleep! We have such a good baby! : )

Love Clint's face in this one!! Love you babe! 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

.:Rain, Popsicles, Kat, Walks and Peek-a-boo:.

Well this week was a pretty good week! McKell is still being tricky, but now she will hold on to stuff to get somewhere else. If she is standing, holding on to the couch and you stick out your leg, she will grab it and then shuffle/side step down to your toes and then back up to the couch! I cannot believe how mobile she is getting! It is scary!

You know when she is ready to sit down, because she starts grabbing her pants! It is like it helps her think of a way to get down! : )

 Look at that hair! Oh my! : ) I don't know if you can see it, but that morning she pulled the gate down on herself twice (don't worry it is sturdier now), but she got a little bruise on her nose and by her eye. : ( poor thing, but she is so tough, she didn't really care! 

This week we had a lot of rain and summer thunderstorms, which is so so fun! We had some last week also. Some of the thunder was waking up McKell, which wasn't so fun, but I just love summer thunderstorms! The rain has been oh so much fun and McKell loves it! She loves all the little droplets hitting her and starts to giggle! Love that girl!

Loves watching the rain! 

Her new favorite face that she loves to pull! She pulls it at least every 5 minutes! 

When I do my exercise videos now (aka Turbo Fire! Love it!!!) at first she will sit and watch the peoples on the TV and then after a minute, she will see me moving around and come chase my feet!! It is so funny! So now I get a extra added calorie burn trying to maze around her!

Watching Turbo Fire

She loves the vacuum! Not only the sound, but also the cord! : )

Clint worked nights all until Thursday and then headed down to scout camp for the rest of the week. So we were pretty much on our own.... : ( We sure missed daddy! Kat came up to keep us company during the evenings. On Thursday night she came up after McKell had gone to bed and we popped popcorn, watched Andy Griffith, played cards and had a wonderful night, long into the wee hours of the morning! She ended up just sleeping over. : )  It was so much fun! I love that girl, I am so grateful to have such a wonderful sister! Love you Kat!

A card lovers paradise! 

No comment.

The next morning I was talking to Clint on the phone in the other room and when I came out this is what was happening! So cute!

The next day it was raining again and mom was working at the shop and so I told Kat that we should go for a walk to get the mail and go visit mom. McKell loves going for walks! It was humid, but really nice! I just love rainy days! When we got back from our walk, we decided to have a popsicle and oh boy does McKell love those! She loves anything cold and tasty! She is so funny, she could eat the whole thing if I could let her!

The leaf was up there because she kept looking at the leaves on the trees, so we gave her one, but of course since it now wasn't on a tree it was not as cool!

On Friday I finally got McKell to eat her carrots! YEE-HAW!!! She has been the pickiest eater, she doesn't like carrots, broccili, squash, green beans..... I don't even know what to do with her. The only vegetables she really likes is sweet potatoes and cauliflower. So, yesterday I did cheat and mix just a touch of brown sugar with them, but not that much and she ate them all and even wanted more! Then later that day I tried some cauliflower mixed with yellow squash, and usually she can tell something is wrong with it, but she ate all of that too!! Yay! It just must have been her day!

One other thing McKell learned to do this week is peek-a-boo by herself! I didn't even realize that that is what she was doing, but Kat caught on! She pulled her blankets over her head and quickly yanks it down! It is so cute. So we started saying peek-a-boo, and she did it over and over and over again! It was the cutest thing!

I was sad that Clint had to go to scout camp, I always miss him when he is away, but I am so grateful for the time that I was able to spend with Kat. It has been a long time since we have been able to do something like that, have some sister time and I am so grateful for her and all she is!And she is such a great help with McKell. We always have such a great time together! Love you Kat!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July!

So, before I start telling what a great 4th weekend it was, I quick have to show you what McKell learned to do this week.......

Yes! She is standing! I cannot believe it! She will stand against ANYTHING she can! 
First crawling, then sitting, now standing! What a big girl! She is so proud of herself as you can clearly tell! : )
She is also saying ma-ma all the time and whenever people are leaving and say bye-bye, she will say it back! She loves telling people bye-bye! : )

This face melts my heart! 

So.... 4th of July! 
The 4th was such a nice day! Not to hot, a little humid, and just about perfect parade weather! The day before the 4th, I had just remembered that I totally forgot about a red, white and blue outfit for McKell! I was feeling like the crappiest mom ever! It is her first 4th and I didn't even have a festive outfit for her! In all my stress, I remembered about a blue and white dress that my Aunt Diana got her in Texas, score!!! Then my faithful friend Savannah, had a adorable red and white headband! Hooray! It all worked out! So we got all dressed and headed to the parade with Caleb and Heather, then Mom, Wes and Kat met us there.

The tractors were just moving much to slow it put her right to sleep! : ) 

Me and Mom got all confused on where we were going to meet to watch the parade, so they finally found us when it was almost over, but oh well! : )

The ever so lovely Heather and Caleb! 

After the parade we had a lunch with Clint's family. It was very tasty! McKell got to play with her cousin Nathan and show everybody her stuff! We had lots of fun!

Chewing on the festive lights! 

After we got back home, we decided to go check out Dominick's new pool he so kindly is sharing with the family! McKell loves the water, she has since she was born! She loved it!

Ok, maybe it doesn't look like it in this picture, but she really does love it! 

She is always pounding her hands, and has a love/hate relationship with splashing! 

Doreen had these fun frog toys that she just adored! Green is her favorite color! 

It was a great 4th that we were able to spend with Clint's family!
We were debating on whether to go to the fireworks or not, but McKell was so tired we just decided to put her to bed! But, out our side windows we could see the fireworks (they looked like fireflies popping) and the lightning storm. It was a beautiful night.