Saturday, August 23, 2014

Picnics, Big Girl Bed, Lexie's Blessing, Anniversary, Oak City Days, Coyotes and More!

More fun this past month! August has sure been a busy one! 

Loves helping me in the kitchen! Tortillas is her new specialty! 

I don't think she got enough flour on there! 

So we got to the point where McKell was just crawling out of her crib all the time! The second we would close the door, she would grab this blanket, find something to lay her head on and then go to sleep..... I knew something needed to change! 

Finally got something on the front room wall! 

Loves her bedtime stories! 

Being silly at dinner! 

My two favorite goobers.

The magical four-wheeler ride! (nap-mobile)

She was stuck this way, crying and Clint just had to snap a picture! hahahaha

Sleeping very well in her big girl bed! She loves it so much, the second we say "Amen", she jumps up as quick as she can and snuggles right in! I didn't realize how great it would be for her! 

Playing catch with Dad and Caleb!


Her favorite place for the mitt.


Happily watching the races. 

Dad bringing home the kill.

Not to big...

Loving up on pup, she just loves her! I am not sure if pup can say the same.... yet! 

Her favorite place to be at Grandma Doreen's.

All snuggled in after her bath! 

So cute! 

Lexie's Blessing Day!

Caleb did a beautiful job.

Getting to be such a big girl! 

Fancy cupcakes from the aunts! 

The proud Aunt's! 

Heather, looking as lovely as ever! 

What a beautiful day it was! So happy for all of them! 

Found cute little baby birds along the creek.

More good sleeping her in big girl bed! 

Father and Son, our only ones left.

Happy 3 years to us! Can't believe it! I love him.

Stayed for two wonderful nights at the Castle Creek Inn in Murray! It was fantabulous! 

Kissing the frog prince, and BAM!!! A beautiful blued eyed beauty appeared! 

Oh wait, let me try that again.....

Oh look! There he is! 

Wonderful breakfasts......

"Rapunzel's Tower"

A grand trip the the temple! 

3 years, and it all started at these doors! 

And of course, no anniversary trip is complete without a stop a Scheels! ; )


Thanks for your sacrifice in going with me babe! 
What a fabulous few days to spend together! 

Then back to this sleepy headed beauty! Love this doll! 

Testing out her new motorcycle gloves we found!

and, the new bat and ball! 

Dad has her all ready to ride! 

"Can we please just stop taking pictures? I am starting this thing!"

So rustic....


This girl ADORES the horses. Thankfully we can always count on JB to have some out and about! 

Singing her way home! 

What a happy girl! 

Had a digger while trying to hug one of her new found friends on the concrete steps. Lost their balance. Tough love, tough love.

Maybe doesn't stay in her bed all the time ; )

Oak City Days Weekend! 

Grandma Clark and Grandpa Owens! haha (I am not sure if I will ever remember to call her Grandma Owens)

The loveliest people at the parade! 

These girls were getting a kick out of her trying to tickle them! 

Katherine helping out with a number during the variety show.

Shooting after the turkey shoot. 

Trying to act like I know what I am doing. : )

Counting bullets with Caleb.

Making music, she is such a smarty.

Trying to learn the tricks of the trade.

Don't look Dad, I know I am doing everything wrong, but I sure did hit quite a few targets and had fun! 

Reading stories to her baby : ) she is going to be the best big sister.

Beautiful clouds! We have been having terrific rain the last couple days!

Loves playing in Grandma's forest! 

Dinner and movie night. 

Headed to a cook-out and spotted a rattler! AAHH! 

Lexie enjoying the canyon air.

She sure made this rock look really comfortable! haha

Her favorite place to lay.

Feeding her best bud some hot dogs. 

Trying out the new equipment at the park! ;) Pretty fun! 

Had this little sweetie over today! She is sooo cute! 

McKell just loved her, and loved helping out with her! 

Especially liked to give her the binky when she started to fuss! 

She looks so much like Shaye to me! 

Trying to pick her up, making sure she is right there. 

Inspecting her hands......

Singing her songs..... 

Giving her kiss after kiss after kiss.

I love them both!