Thursday, September 3, 2015

07.24.15 - 08.24.15

Lots of fun on Pioneer Day!! We love parades!

Keeping her candy in a safe place! 

Katherine and Dad had gone away on their Canada trip and McKell was missing Kat! We were down at Grandma's and she just sat in Kat's room for awhile and then came out in this!! Someone loves Kat : ) Well lots of us! 

Always wants me to take their picture!! Haha I love her content face!

Partying at the park! 

Looked out back and saw pup enjoying the warm sun! hahaha

Loves going for rides up the canyon in Grandpa's truck! 

Jens trying on some of Grandma's glasses.

That profile is the BEST.

Loves Auntie M!

On our way to Fish Lake!! 

They are just the sweetest.

Checking out the little fishes and leaves! 

Aunt Janet and Cousin Amelia always have lots of crafts for the kids and it is so much fun! McKell loved it! 

Flying her airplane she made! It went super good!

Clint with his perfect breakfast! 

Grandpa enjoying breakfast with his little girlies : )

Cutest boater EVER! 

Had to go see if we could find some perch for McKell to catch! Of course we did! She loves fishing!

The master fisherpair! : )

Napping in the cabin!

Camping makes us tired!!!

Not sure what has Grandpa worried! ; )

Where we stayed our first night! 

Dusty, dusty 4-wheeler rides! 

More crafts! Making her aquarium : )

Helping keep Brooklyn entertained while Grandma Doreen trimmed her hair : )

Jens with cousin Arthur, only a month apart! 

Stayed in Caleb and Heather's camper the second night! McKell was so comfy! 

The mighty hunters are at it wherever they go! 

Making more friends! 

Taking Jens for a "fun" ride! 

The whole crew of kiddoes! 

I think she had just got done giving him a kiss!! 

Happy with mom, because we are almost home! 

And look who we found when we got home! 

Got to work with Kat one day and then we had visitors!!

She is always such a big helper!! 

I love her hair like that!! That is her shower time hair! 

Big chunky boy ready for church!! 

Now this is leaving church in style!! What a goose!

Loves her dress up dresses!! Little Elsa. 

Corn on the cob anyone?? 

She loves to eat the ends off! ??

Finally fits her pillow case dress that Relda made her. 

She had to take Jens swimming and pull him around on the water! haha She has the best imagination! 

I guess she thought Jens needed a little color to his face!! 

Loves her stuffed animals!! 

Jens had cereal for the first time, and he didn't really like it, but McKell sure liked helping!! 

He is just so cute! 

Ready for more swimming!! She is our little fishy! 

Your taking me where??

ALWAYS lining things up and laying things out! 

She decided she wanted to try on a pair of Jens' pants! haha Wasn't too bad. 

Just the sweetest thing! 


Rainy canyon rides with Grandpa, Caleb, Heather and Lexie! 

Lexie is looking a little tipsy : ) cutie pie! 

What was that girl??

Heading down to Grandma Margene's birthday party! 

Pup wanted to come!! Haha

Love to be with the cousins! 

Jens was having a hayday with this orange tablecloth!!

Gorgeous Aunt Rach.

Some of our favorites! : )

We love going on walks, and Jens loves holding Daddy's hand. 

We love our Katherine!!! 

Got to go celebrate our Anniversary! Started out with some Kneaders french toast and croissant sandwiches... YUM

He is just a cutie, with his church clothes, hat and sunglasses! MWAH! 

Happy 4 Years my everything!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!

HAHA now those are some pants!! Your legs will definitely not get cold!! 

Dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen! 

and a stop at Scheels to see the creepy Sasquatch guy..... 

Having a picnic with her oatmeal, getting ready to head to 7 Peaks! 

Even let Dad join in! 

Jens likes the waterpark!! 

This little girl was in seventh heaven! Loved it! Can't believe we only made it there once this summer! Next summer we need to get our priorities right! 

Cutest little pale skinned red head I know, oh besides Grandpa! hahaha

Hum... where is McKell??

Such a little monkey! What a strong girl! 

That barb wire is sharp, dear!!! 

The whole 7 Peaks crew!! Loving the two models on the left. 

Lunch break! 

Loved jumping the waves in the wave pool! 

Sleepy boy, burned mom! 

Love those cheeks! 

They still have the alligator too that we used to play on as kids! Crazy! 

Kat got a little bit of sun! 

Did I mention there are 3 little gooses in the house?? HAHA

Got to work with Kat again! 

"Mom, he loves it when I hold him!" 

Modeling her new sandals! 

Excited for the parade!!!

I love these three!! 

We were so excited for Ben and JoJo to be here!!

Can't wait to surprise Grandma!!!!

Patiently waiting for the parade to start!! 

Just happy to be with everybody! 

We love you Ben!!!

Here they come!! 

Happy Birthday Grandma!! SURPRISE!!!

Finally realized who was in the truck! : )

We love you so much Grandma!! xoxoxoxo

The tail end of the party! : )

Madison and Ryker

Kenistyn and McKell became very fast friends! : ) 

Scoping things out at the turkey shoot the next morning!  

Pizza Night!!

Someone had been having a long fun day without a nap..... 

And this is the result! Up, down, up, down, up, down toss the mood around! 

The girls taking care of the baby! : )

McKell had so much fun with Kenistyn! She is sooo cute! 

Taking Mike's brothers Razor for a ride!! It was SO FUN!! So smooth, and I was with Benny...... win-win! 

Love you Benny! 

Helping Grandma with the Pizza Dough!

I LOVE these boys!! 

What goobers!

This is where Clint was Oak City Days weekend! At the Motorcross! 

So happy that Ben could come home and we could all be together for a few days! I LOVE YOU ALL!!! 

Two cuties playing on the tramp! 

Some people had already left, but here is most of the group! What a great weekend!! 

So happy we could surprise Grandma for her birthday and have EVERYBODY here!! She is so wonderful and it was the FUNNEST weekend!!! 


This next set of pictures is my absolute favorite! They show how happy McKell always is, and what a wonderful personality she has! 

I love this one! So cute!! 

Sunday walks!! xoxoxo

Cute dairy man! 

An evening at the park! 

Mom, please don't let her push me!! 

"Is that her coming??"

"Ok, that's not so bad!"

Shooting with Grandpa and Caleb before they put the gongs away.

Big chunky boy at his 4 month appointment! 17 lb 8 oz!! 

She can always spot the books in the store from a mile away!

Love that little body! xoxoxo

Successful family home evening activity!! 

Dad even got crafty and made McKell some glasses! hahaha

The face you make when your getting caught in the act of picking your nose! 

More Benny time! It was too cold, but we had to go try out the splash pad!! McKell has been wanting to take Ben for the longest time! 

Dad getting them dressed up in their motorcycle clothes! 

Kodak moment for sure! 

She sleeps in the most awesome ways!!

Haha casually holding on for dear life while Dad is driving! 

Dinner at Grandma Clarks before Benny has to take off  the next day. 

Love these two boys so much! 

The random places we find McKell! 

Love these two!!

There are some more cute boys! 

More park time.... 

More visiting Grandma and Gramps! McKell loves all their toys! : )

"He really likes to lay on my belly!!" And I have to admit, sometimes he really does! haha