Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Ode to my Postpartum Body

As reading blogs, like I normally do, I came across this little gem from the "we seek joy" blog. It is my thoughts exactly! I can't believe how much my body has changed, but how much joy McKell brings into my life as well!

Before I became pregnant, someone told me, "don't have a baby, babies ruin your body."

It has been over a year since Anabel began her life. This time last year she was a microscopic speck in my stomach, and we were announcing our pregnancy. Between then and now, I have gained and lost fifty pounds. Four months after her birth, and my body still carries proof of her existence. 

I have dark pools under my eyes. A valley where my belly button once was. Hips with a new amplitude that my teenage self wouldn't recognize. I have lines mapped across the mountains of stretched skin left over on my midsection. Lightening bolts on my sides proving I once was too small to contain all of the love that filled me. Lines indicating that my daughter once lived inside of me. 

Do you realize the significance in that? Every limb, finger, toe...her heart, even, developed near the very place my own heart beats inside of my chest. Those mountains of skin are all I have left to prove that we were once one and not two. 

How can I be ashamed of that? 

I have so much to say about seeing my grandfather's eyes embedded into the sockets, and under the brows and lashes of her father's. I see the seventeen year old boy I fell in love with, and my grandpa as a child all at once every time she looks up at me. She even wears my ears and my chin. The two very things I cursed having the most growing up. Not much makes me feel more beautiful than seeing tiny renditions of those same features on Anabel, and realizing just how special they are. 

My body grew that. 
Not everybody has that privilege. 

Sure my belly is a bit softer nowadays, but the way it moves when I jump up and down sends my girl into fits of giggles. And yeah, my hips are hardly as narrow as they used to be, but they sure know the perfect figure-8 motion to sway her to sleep. My twenty-one year old hair is even beginning to gray, but not much soothes her more than my hair between her tiny fingers.

I am not something flawless in the eyes of society, or even close to what I once what physically, but my perfect girl sees me for who I am. To her, I hang the moon. She knows my heart. She knew it long before we met.

And she loves me for it.

I cannot tell you how much worth and validation I feel because of that truth. 

My body is only a shell for my spirit. An incredible shell. It is strong, well, abled, and undefeated. 

My body is full of life. 
My body is powerful. 
My body made me a mother. 

If anything, I was ruined by the world before I knew her & she made me whole again.


I sure do love how powerful that is. I thank Heavenly Father each day that I was able to have a healthy body and bring one of his spirits into the world. It is the greatest thing I have known. Even if Wes or Dad sometimes catch a glimpse of a mark across my hips or stomach, and gasp, "What is that? Has somebody hit you?" (Mom never had any of those, so they are foreign to Dad). I still am so grateful for what those marks mean and what I can show for them! 

Sorry if this went into more detail than you wanted, but it is a subject very near and dear to my heart, and I had to share. 

Monday, December 9, 2013

Thanksgiving, Christmas Trees, Clint's Birthday

So it has been awhile since I updated, I can't believe how fast the days go and then 3 weeks have already gone by! Since I last posted we have had 3 major snowstorms, and currently the temperatures this weeks have been SO COLD. It really has gotten above 15 in the days, and at night it has gotten into the -25's! So crazy! I have been super worried about McKell getting sick :/ but so far so good!
McKell has SUCH a personality; dancing, tractor and truck sounds, dancing, singing with mom, reading books, dancing, pat-a-cake, she is just so much fun! She has also been practicing her blowing skills for her birthday next week! I can't believe she is going to be a year next week!

She is truly the happiest girl!! Love her! 

Checking out her new kicks and outfit from Grandpa Clark, doesn't get much better than Carhart! : ) 

Grandpa Clark shot a coyote, and had Clint come out and get it! I think this is the first time she had ever met one up close and personal! 

She loves it when Dad does her hair for church! Clint does a great job! Maybe he should do mine! : )

Love every detail of this precious face!

Once the dryer door opens, she is in it!! Before you can even blink! 

Crazy morning hair! 


Mom got her a new carseat for an early birthday present! Thanks Mom! It is so fun to have her big and turned around! 

She is working the system! : ) 

So cute! 

We love the new views! 

This is how we babysit! : ) I love it! 

Ready for Thanksgiving! 

Her first pickle! 

Thanksgiving was lots of fun this year! Erin and Gene were able to come down for a week, and Jill, Dennis and Katie came for Thanksgiving Day! Grandpa and Grandma Owens also made an appearance! : ) I love my family! 

Thanksgiving Day at its finest! 

Love it! I can honestly say I have NEVER had a thanksgiving meal that good. The food was beyond delicious with great flavor! Thanks Mom! 

Anderson Family Thanksgiving

Super Cute! 
We had Thanksgiving with the Anderson family the day after. I had to work, but came over when I got off. McKell loved having other kids there to chase around, and got her first bloody nose! Ouch! Gotta love experience! 

Getting ready for Christmas Tree Hunting!

Enjoying the lunch break! 

Pup and Baby

Helping Mom and Dad decorate the Christmas Tree! I love plastic ornaments! 

She loves the balls on the tree! She hasn't even pulled off to many yet ; )

That pointing she does KILLS me! I love it! 

So I forgot that we didn't have the tree skirt on yet, but here is a picture of our beautiful find! 

Happy Birthday to Clint! The big 3 0 

Getting good practice for her birthday next week! 

Happy Birthday my Hunk of Love! I am ecstatic to celebrate the day of your birth! Thank you for all you do for our little family, you are a wonderful Husband and Father and we are so lucky to have you in our lives! 

So cute! Can't wait for our little boys! ; )

Clint's true side!

LOVE YOU! MWAH! 30 is a fabulous number! Wish I was right up there with you!