Tuesday, February 24, 2015

February! The month of LOVE : )

Wow, another month has come and gone. We are boiling down the the moment when this baby boy will be here! I can't believe it! I think McKell is beginning to sense that something is changing, because she has been so much more clingy and always wants me to carry her...... I don't know what else would cause that : ) poor dear, she is going to be such a good sister!

McKell also said her first prayer this past week. It was the cutest thing! She had been "mothering" all day with her baby. Changing her diaper, feeding her bottle, making her dinner in her kitchen and putting lotion on her cheeks. Well we sat down to feed the baby some dinner, and McKell told me that we had to pray first, and I asked her if she wanted me to say and she said, "No, I do it". She then bowed her head and whispered, "Heavenly Father, Jesus, Sunbeam, Daddy, Amen." I felt so happy and emotional!! What a doll! We always try to get her to say prayers, but she has never wanted to, not until it was her idea! I love her!

Ok, random picture, but I had a carton of eggs that every other egg was a double yolker!! That has to mean something : ) Our French Toast was extra yummy that morning. haha

I love her little peaceful self. and her crazy self : )

Helping mom make cookies, but doesn't like to be photographed. 

Cutie, patootie : )

Clint thought Mr. G looked like he was moon walking! haha

Little goose acting like a chipmunk.

Love it when she crosses her legs! 

and I love that toe! Just like her mama's.

Her hair is getting so long! 

She loves it! 

Looking for Cadbury Eggs with mom!! A very important necessity! 

Had this little boy's 3D ultrasound, he had his hands in his month and face the whole time little stinker! He has long hands and fingers like his sister.

Enjoying her ring pop while waiting for the Doc.

The fun way to shop at Target.

Trying out the massage chairs at the mall. You get pretty desperate. 

McKell had to have her "buddy" the pineapple buckled in with her at Costco! haha

She cracks me up! 

Loves her new smile! 

Love that hair! SO pretty! 

My February wreath! 

Motorcycle rides with Daddy. 

Stopping at Grandma's and Grandpa's saying goodbye to the ladies before we headed up to Bodyworlds!

So serious.

My two favorites! 

Snuggling up, while waiting for Daddy.

The two cutest gems I know, enjoying themselves on a Daddy-Daughter date.


No more pictures Dad!

Where her finger spends most of her time.



THAT HAIR!! love it! 

Enjoying her milk and gummies, while trying to stay warm at Grandma and Grandpa Nielson's. 

Our little imaginative, creative girl loves to line things up! 

It is so cute! 

Clint and I were able to celebrate Valentines the Thursday before and so we went up to a Doctor's appointment we had, and did some eating and shopping, went to the temple and stayed over at the Castle Creek Inn, where we stayed for our Anniversary last year, we love that place! It was a great getaway, quick, but great! I love you Clint!

Getting ready to enjoy Valentine's morning breakfast. 

You can never have enough straws! 

Pink pancakes, pink milk, strawberries and whipped cream! 

My two loves!!

Happy Love Day!! 

Getting ready for Jens to come, Clint made the front closet into a pantry, and did a wonderful job to say the least! 

Stocking up....

Clint playing with Kai at church. He is so cute! 

Singing a lullaby to Kat. 

Had this bin sitting in the bedroom, while I had been loading it with clothes and cleaning out the closet, well one night Clint let me go to bed a little early while he got McKell to bed. He was carrying McKell and they shut off the bathroom light and while walking to the door Clint tripped over it and busted the lid, slicing his leg a bit! Well, McKell didn't forget what happened the next morning and had to call Clint out and work and make sure he was ok! Which she has since done more than a handful of times... "Daddy, break, leg, fall??" 

Love having all this love in the house! : )

Almost complete! So nice to have a place for all our food storage.

Our liquid ant baits, thanks Dad they work like a charm!

Up to Dominick's for the weekend, poor thing had a bad cold, and is still not over it. She slept every chance she got... 

Poor little thing... such a trooper.

Getting ready for church, love how her pony turned out! 

Love how she is holding her hands.

Love her! 

33 weeks! Holy Moly!

This silly goose has been wandering out of her bed and falling asleep in the strangest places! Hope she isn't following in her mom's footsteps (sleepwalking haha)

During a nap, the front room table seems to be a favorite spot. 

Found her on the couch reading her scriptures <3 She was saying "Teach people, Jesus, Prayers, Prophets, Bad Kings, Teach people." What a scholar! 

Going for our nap rides : )