Tuesday, March 22, 2016

1.20.16 - 2.19.16

This is his favorite spot : )

Bummed he is not standing at the tub anymore! haha

I just love how sweet she is! Fell asleep while waiting for a bedtime snack.

Some of my favorite people watching my favorite movie!! 


Someone thought they needed to be up to help get me to work! 

Love my darlings! 

Just another day fishing : )

Comfortable wherever she may be : )

Her favorite place in the van, it's her "pool". haha

Grandma's awesome hair do skills : )

Chowing at Dad's favorite place! 

These pictures were taken while I was with Mom, Dad, Tay and Tay while she was getting her endownments in Ogden : ) They went and partied at Cabelas and Scheels.

McKell loves giving Jens rides! haha

Finally big enough to ride the Ferris Wheel!!

Little Goober : )

Cutest little sleepy belly : )

Waiting for Daddy to come through the door!!! 

We love to color! : )

Making "fairy wands" from her princess cookbook.

16" of fresh snow in one day!! This weather is crazy! 

Headed down Sunday morning to help the Elder's scrap the walks. 

"What did he say??" 

Playing in the Nursery Room while waiting for Mom to get out of her meeting.

Tawni's new ride - schnazzy! 

Giving each other pedicures! Sappy gooses!

I feel bad for Taylor Sue, her lover is always lovin on Wes. bahaha

Chowing down on his celery.

At least we can always find Curious George. Thanks Grandpa! 

Relaxing at Grandpas. 

Crazy herds of deer always in Daniel's fields.

Thug life.


All you need. Helmet. Undies and a little brother to pester.

Watching Mom get her nails done. So fascinating.

Looking for Dad.

Little Beethoven.

Off to School. Always telling us goodbye and she will see us after school! I love her imagination!!

Our Art Gallery.

Little Jack-Jack.

LOVES his balloons! Cheap Entertainment.

The big boys are always hanging around! 

Our measuring chair.

The Provo City Center Temple is absolutely GORGEOUS. SO much intricut detail, it was breathtaking. Reminded me so much of the Tabernacle.

Provo City Center Temple Open House. 

Nice and warm!

Ready for some Panda! 

Shopping before the Ice Castles! 

The Ice Castles were SO MUCH FUN! I am so glad we decided to go! They were incredible and so much fun to play in! There were fun slides and tunnels! We stayed as long as we could, but it was SO COLD.

Ice castles!! So much fun! 

Making some Valentine Cookies with Kat! In your swimsuit of course! What else??

Love this little Diva! 

She is professional.

A little card time with my main girl.

Painting her Canvas that Taylor Sue gave her! So cute!

Daredevil Dad.

Probably pooping. 

Clint's blue heart cookie from McKell.

What a little Stud! 

Lunch at Ashton's.

McKell trying to sneak into my bed, yes she was asleep! bahaha

Can't go to sleep without our friends! 

Happy Birthday Grandpa Clark!!

She always has me get her dolls in their pajamas and tucked in for bed! haha

So cute!!

Having Lexie Lou over to play! 

Wearing her hat like Dad!! "This is the right way so I can hold my light!"

"Oh, did you want some?"

Peaceful and Angelic

Bringing Mom a Valentine! They are so sweet! 

Love my little Valentine! 

What a delightful surprise! 

We were trying to find birthday cards for Grandpa Clark and Clint found this one! BAHA

Getting so big! 

Shopping our tails off trying to find Wedding Clothes! We were definitely cutting it close!  

Happy Valentines Day! Clint always does so well, I love him so much!! 

From Me to Clintie XOXOXOXO

Valentines Breakfast! 

I am so blessed! Love all my Valentines! My favorite holiday for sure! I love love!! 

Inside one of my cards from Clint XOXOXOXO

During Sacrament meeting shenanigans ;) 

Loves bathtime! 

Sunday Drives. 


He sleeps like Ben BAHAHAHAHAHA eyes half open.

Valentines from Tawnya.

Cutest bare booty I ever did see.

Trying out mom's headbands!

Those faces.


Playing in the candy! 

Still trying on wedding attire..... TOO BIG.

A day with Kat!! McKell is playing in her "pool". haha

FINALLY warm enough for walks! 



You think you hate it now?? Wait until you have to wear it ALL DAY BWHAHAHAHAHA

THose eyes. That part.

This is where I like to perch him so I can get my shoes on! hahaha

Game night with ERIN!! 

Jens took a nap so we could play more games ::)) Thanks buddy.

Fun cousin time. McKell loves Mia!!

She was so proud of her bubbles!! 

Park time!!!

Jacob and Frans dog likes to hang out with us and we think he is funny! 


Handsome fella!

Wedding is tomorrow... better get your smile on!

Loves his baths!