Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Summer is getting hotter and Jens was blessed!

Well Summer is here and it is getting hot!! Glad we have found lots of fun things to do!! : ) Summer is no different than normal for us : ) We are always trying to find things to do to pass the time until Daddy gets home! 

Katherine came over one afternoon to paint! This is what Clint made for her so she wouldn't get paint on her shirt! haha

One of McKell's favorite things to do! Paint! 

Clint went riding all day in Richfield up Monroe canyon with Caleb and Dan one rainy day. 

Looks beautiful! 

He brought us home a new mower! 

When it is really cold and rainy and you are wondering what to wear outside, you should probably pick something like this, it is McKell approved. 

Squishing her bug friends.

We got to celebrate this wonderful Man's birthday! He is so wonderful! I love him so much! So grateful for his grandfatherly friendship : )

Busting out of the seams! 

A trip to Ashton's when mom just didn't want to cook! 

The whole family napping! I wish this happened more often! : ) : )

Cutie Patootie! 

Reminds me of how Ben sleeps! ahahahahahahaha

These two cuties got to be involved with the Temple Cultural Celebration! What a fabulous opportunity! Wish I could've seen the program! 

Goosey goose! 

Watching McKell do something.... haha

Scouting out good rocks... or something... hahahaha

After playing out in the rain, she had to come share some of that wet love with her brother, of course! 

"How does that feel? Nice and cool?"

We went to see if any of the Memorial Day decorations were up at the cemetery, because I love to see it decorated. Well a billion flowers were tipped over and McKell was determined to stand up every one! She could have a day job! 

Cousin Camden 

What a big helper! All the time! 

She loves scripture time!! She knows almost all the stories by heart. "Hey look mom, here are the three nephites and they are here on the earth on their mission!" SAY WHAT???!?!!? What a smarty pants. 

She thinks she is ready for bed : )


Giving some love to Lexie. 

Cuties!! McKell is always trying to hold hands! 

Going for our walks! 

Got a new suit in 5T!!!! Getting so big! 

This little man is trying to keep up, chunky boy! 

Enjoying our Sunday walk with mom's sunglasses! 

Making sure Max is comfortable! hahaha

Pretty girl, I love her eyes!

Handsome big boy! 

She loves Winco for this reason! haha

Trying to show us a swimsuit she found, and we can only see her foot! hahaha 

We are still practicing wearing flops, it truly is a skill! 

We love Zupas strawberries! 


McKell came in to tell me that she had tucked monkey in "nice and cozy". This is what we came out too! hahahaha

McKell, you are the greatest! 

One of McKell's favorite snacks! 

Sharing with Kat.. aka making her take a bite whether she wants to or not! 

Sneaking into Mom and Dad's bed! 

And loving it!! 

Katherine has been wonderful (as always) and when Clint is working nights she will come stay with us. It is so fun! Now she has starting working nights :/ Thats okay, she is doing what she needs to! We love you Katherine! 

Snuggling up in random places! 

An evening at Grandpa Clarks. 

Grandpa found another Killdeer nest. 

So cool! 

I adore this man! Love you Grandpa! 

Scoping out the property : )

Being a silly goose, as usual! 

Those cross eyes, it is going to stick that way! 

He was being so happy! This moments make everything worth it! 


aaaa.. what just happened?? 

You let that girl kiss me again, while I was being happy??

Seeing the tall grain with Grandpa.

To the dump, to the dump, to the dump, dump dump! 

HOORAY! I OWN A PIANO!! I never thought this day would come! Doreen decided to sell hers and so we bought it! Thank you Clint for letting us get it! 

My home is now complete. 

Dream really do come true! 

Playing in Grandma's jungle! 

Big bumblebees 

Riding with Grandpa, being a sass! 

Playing with the lizard that Grandpa found, I don't know how the tail didn't fall off! 

She is always stacking her play food : )

Her favorite page in her favorite book.

Beautiful boy!

Love these two, they are my everything! 

correction, these three are my everything! 

We picked up a highjacking hippie on our way to Payson.

Big boy. 2 month appointment weighing in at 13 lbs. 10 oz. 

Trying out the new suit and enjoying the sunshine! 

Making cookies! 

Sass stirring the batter : )

Beautiful clouds at the park! 

Showing McKell the beginning stuff, she already knows all the scales and has completed Hanon twice! hahahaha

Playing for us so we can sing and dance! 

Every time we walk into her room we are amazed. 

All ready for bed! Has all her favorite buddies : )

She has her buddies all tucked in!! hahahaha

No joke, we leave for 5 minutes and then peek in and she looks like this. I am afraid she might get that from her mom...... 

Immunizations ;(

She LOVES sweet peppers!

This is what happens when you put your underwear on yourself... then I hear, "Mom, can you help me pull my wedgie out?"

One hot mess

So apparently I fell asleep with visitng.... I did not know this!  haha

Zebs wedding day! 

Random!! Parked right outside the door.

My three lovelies : )

Clint eating McKell's kids frosty. HAHAHAHA

Grandpa is the true sleep machine! 

Looking so big! 

Pretty Lexie! 

Showing some belly

Cutest little kitchen set that Zeb's mother-in-law had made from an old TV stand. 


Gorgeous properties! Lisa is from Midway and they live on the road that goes to the Homestead. It was beautiful!! I wish we would've taken a picture of the house, it was so pretty! 

My dream home!! I LOVE it!! 

Running through the sprinklers with Dad.

Cuties!! Loves her motorcycle rides! 

Mariesa's miracle hold ; )

We can pretty much fall asleep anywhere now days. 

These two are the absolute CUTEST


Jens' Blessing Day!! 

Clint did wonderfully (as always) and it was just a beautiful day! We love you Jens!! 

Handsome little man.

I love my baby boy.

Trying to calm down a baby is stressful! 

Two loves.

You always have to be sappy when your with Kat! 

I love you Katherine! You are the greatest! 

Looks so grown up :!

The gorgeous cake that Grandma Clark made! 

She has such talent! 

Two of the cutest people I know.

Having fun with Uncle Tay! 

I love this face! 

Hanging out with Grandma! 

Aunt Tawn

The sleep machine doing it again : )

Our little burrito all ready for a full nights sleep! hahahahahahahahahah thats funny.

Clint with a Kill Deer.

Wind blown from our ride to the mail.

We pretty much hang out at the park everyday, and thats ok! 

Grandma making Jens smile! 


Love my two boys!!!