Saturday, March 28, 2015

March, and oh how lucky we are!

So many pictures on this post, sorry if your internet is to slow to load the page! haha It's been a great month! I can't believe that next time I blog I will probably be the mother of two children! So crazy! 

Softball season has begun! Love coming to watch this girl play!

77 weeks 103 days.

McKell really loves her sprinkles and decided to dump the whole container of it on her ice cream! Whatever works I guess:)

Clint looking through older pictures... can't believe that was our little girl! 

What a cutie! 

Heading to Fairview to do what?

You guessed it! 

Pick up a little 50! 

Yay I can touch! 

Always lining things up! 

Heading to the softball games usually looks like this! 

So this is what the month of March has mostly consisted of, and that is totally fine with me! I love watching this girl play and I definitely love the game! I have been wanting to make it to every game I possibly can, because once I have this baby I will be home bound. I love you Kat! You are such a wonderful ball player! My favorite for sure! 

We were at the Millard game, and when we got there McKell was asleep and so Grandpa said he would be more than happy to sit in the car with her : ) after awhile this is what emerged! CUTEST THING EVER. He got her shoes and jacket on for her and everything! I love it.

Enjoying her munchies while watching the game.

Love that sly little face! 

So this is what has been happening lately and it definitely needs to stop! This mama is tired, hence the reason she is in there I guess : ) 

Went down the the St. George Tournament and had a grand time! It was so warm, and felt really nice! 

I LOVE those long legs! 

Clint's two most prized possessions : ) McKell and Candy.

Enjoying the pool and the St. George air! 

Love these goofs! 

She loves swimming so much, we have been taking her quite often. She never wanted to try the floatie with me, but Clint got her to wear it and she loved being able to paddle by herself! 

My happy little swimmer! 

Yogurtland between games : ) Having to be fed like a puppy of course.

She had to go see Jesus and the temple! 

WOAH watch out for that belly.

Love how spiritual these precious little ones are.

Enjoying yet another game! 

My nails matched the weekend :) love them! 

On our way home enjoying Centro Pizza in Cedar City with Dennis and Jill.

Dad trying to get a good picture in her Sunday outfit....... yeah..... 

Not going to happen! 

Ahhh... thats much better! 

What a goose! 

Wearing Kat to a frazzle as usual! Thanks Kat, my pregnant body is much appreciative. 

Having fun with Mia! McKell sure liked to have a littler friend around! 

Erin came for a couple of days to go to a session over at the Manti Temple before Grandpa was released. It was fun to have them for a few days! 

Olaf sucker from Grandma.

Clint thought for sure he had died and gone to heaven when he found these.... I think it is a disgrace to the Cadbury Egg name.

Clint's sidewalk drawings.... such talent! : )

Enjoying the good weather and the four-wheeler rides! 

She is so good at pulling faces these days! 

Was putting us to bed! haha left to right: Mom, McKell, Tawnya, and Daddy! haha

Being rustic! 

86 weeks and 42 days! Almost there! 

I am not sure how this is comfortable, but whatever makes her happy! 

Showing off her wings! 

While I was making freezer meals at Mom's this is what was going on... haha

Super fun! 

Kat trying to help me with some of the dishes! 

What a stinker! 

Mom made this adorable diaper cake for the baby shower she threw me! It is just too cute! 

Cutie Grandpa rocking a mohawk! 

He likes pulling faces too.

Pretty little Lexie! 

Someone is distressed about something.. : )

Enjoying the good riding weather! 

Asking for orders at the McKell and Kat fast food joint.

Lexie and McKell learning how to enjoy the supercross days : )

McKell entertaining herself! I love how much she loves books! 

HAHA Love those legs! 

Such good buddies! 

Worn out from all the playing and supercross! 

Waltzing around in her undies and church shoes, I love that look! 

Showing Daddy some of Jens' clothes.

Looking so pretty in her Easter Dress that we got out early for Mason's Mission Farewell.

This is where her finger spends most of its time these days, it is definately a lost cause.

Showing Grandpa down the steps..

Always taking advantage of two person hold! 


Sneaking pictures of my handsome man : )

Good Luck Mason! 

Had to get more pictures of this guy! He is just too much! xoxoxox

103 weeks and 67 days.

oh man, oh baby


The newly engaged Aunt Rachie! Congrats love! 

Pretty little Lexie! 

Mission Farewells turn out to be long days...

For everyone.....


More face pulling! 

Peek a boo, you little stinker! 

Wore herself right out! 

Love this girl! 

Morning cartoons and fruit : )

Scoping out the property with Grandpa.

Being a little sap as usual! 

Headed to another one of Kat's game and stopped for an ice cream break! 

She loved it! 

We love this girl!!!

ow ow! 

I just love these two, they make my heart happy! I couldn't pick a favorite picture! 

Being such a good girl waiting 3 hours in the doctors office for mom!