Thursday, April 30, 2015

The week before Easter... before our Easter surprise!

I can't believe how many picture we have! These are all just in one week! It is crazy how much happens in one week and how fast it goes! How wonderful it is! 

Practicing her riding in the kitchen. This is where all the pros start. 

Enjoying the softball game, and waiting for everybody to make their way to the car! 

My little book lover : )

I am loving how Jens' room turned out! It is definitely a boys dream!  

The changing table that I repainted. I love the green! 

The Sunday before Easter. Our pretty little flower.

Enjoying Sunday dinner at Grandma and Grandpas!

Jumping on the Trampoline with Katherine Tay! We all fall down! 

What good sports : )


What a little goose! 

Katherine easing Mom's nerves by taking the very sick and pregnant lady's blood pressure. 

McKell getting her knee checked out! 

The Easter story that McKell learned in her class. She could tell us the whole story! Sue is so good with those little kids!

Cute treat from church! 

McKell, you are my sunshine! 

McKell does have some of her mom in her : )

How do I do this?? Is this thing on?


I think it is on!! Eureka! 


Helping Katherine clean her room! 

I am afraid this is what we all do to McKell......... :/ oh wait she is just being a puppy! : )

Helping Katherine make the noodles.

Finally getting to see Katherine after the game! We waited so long! 

Best friends.

Playing catch! 

What a good throw! 

Enjoying Ashton's with Grandpa Clark.

Checking out the merchandise at Sportman's with Daddy. 

Our own Davy Crockett.

Dancing with Kat.

"You better not tell me how many sprinkles I can have"

Eating them by the spoonfuls.

Watching Meet The Mormons with the family.

Reading books with Kat.

Our little acrobat.

It's a good thing I had just cleaned the floor.

Using her stool to turn on all the lights in the house.

Proud of her latest spelling job.

Doing the crab! 

Getting excited to go get her Easter Eggs. 

Oh baby!! 

Checking out the competition.....

and we're off!!! 

McKell did such a good job this year! Last year it was hard for her to keep up and she only got one egg.... 

She didn't have any problems this year!!! : )


More hunting with Kat...

Coloring Easter Eggs with the Nielson clan. 

and eating cream of course!! : )

McKell's beautiful eggs! 

Look at my dress mom!! 

Such a goon : )

Such a cutie!!