Monday, August 26, 2013


Not much new to report this week, except that we have a tooth people!!! I can't believe it is finally here! hahaha Just one of the front ones is poking out a little, but that is a good start! Of course, I will NEVER be able to get a picture of it, because she is so stubborn about her face and head, but thats ok. She has a tooth.

So Clint has been pulling Jack stickers all week, trying to get them off the property, and one day he wanted to take McKell out as well, but it was pretty sunny. This is how he solved that problem! : ) He was spraying them so they would be easier to pull! 

I thought it was so super cute!! ; )

This is what the past week has looked like, and it has been beautiful! I love this weather! It has stayed in the 70's and 80's everyday. What a nice break from the heat!

We went out to Grandpa Clark's this past week and McKell loved his Lion! It was so cute! 

Grandma and Grandpa Shipley brought over some produce, which is always super delicious! Grilled squash, Garden tomato BLT's and everything that just tastes super amazing with fresh garden stuff! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa! 

Oh, and McKell LOVED the produce herself! Sucking on the tomatoes is her favorite! 

We have had a few friends in the yard the past couple days! : ) 

Lots more rain this week, and that means lots more window time! I can't believe how much she loves looking outside! 

She was also super obsessed with this duckie! : )

In some pictures, I don't even recognize her! What a cutie, I wish you could see the tooth in this one, it is just about where you could!

She loves her walker! She will push it backwards, forwards, sideways, whenever she pushes it into the wall, she is getting to where is will turn it and keep on walking! 

Of course, I can't get a good picture of that! : ) 

She is so happy, because she knows how to open and close the door and does it all the time! haha

Ah, I love this girl! : )

Ok, and this pretty much made my whole week! Love ya Wes!! 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Horny Toads, Erin, Parade, Motocross, Grandma Birthday

We had a great exciting week this week! It started off with Erin coming from Oregon!! Ye-Haw!!!!! I love her so much, and then went on to the Oak City Days parade, the Motocross in Tooele and Grandma Shipley's birthday! What a week! 

After one of Clint's morning hunts he brought home a horny toad that he caught! McKell loved the thing! She was just mesmerized by it for quite awhile. She wanted to hold it so bad, but she either would have ate it or squished it's guts out and I wasn't ready for either! : )  

I love this, hugging her hands together! 

Just content watching the horny toad!

I went down to Grandma's and visited Erin a couple times, but on Thursday night we had a night of card games! Hallelujah! I felt like a little girl on Christmas! Clint kindly stayed home with McKell and I had a night full of fun with Erin, Grandma and Grandpa! Didn't' make it home until 3:30! Opps!  

This is all we made it to of Oak City Days this year, Clint had gotten tickets for a Motocross in Tooele and I willingly went with him. I love going places with him! We had fun, we went with Caleb and Heather, Mason, Jake, Alyssa and Spencer. It was hot, but we had a good time. Of course I didn't get any pictures of us there, because the camera is being used for video the entire time! haha Love you Clint! : )

The lovely Gayle and Mavis! So cute!

Taylor finally come home from Oregon! : ) Love you!

The most adorable Grandpa Alvin! : ) What a rustic stud! 

Erin, Ryan and Mia chasing for the candy! 

McKell wasn't too happy, but she came! haha She had just woke up from a nap!

Grandpa, Grandma, Margret and George

This is the hat that Kat got McKell from the coast! I love it! So does she!

This was at Grandma Shipley's birthday dinner! What a wonderful woman to celebrate! Dad did his famous pizzas, and then we had delightful chocolate and berry trifles! So so good! Yum!

The lovely Kat!

The Lovely Mia! 

The whole gang! Gene even made it out! 

Enjoying some olives, tomatoes and pizza crust! That is what I call finger-food pizza! 

I love these two! : )

Happy Birthday Grandma! 


What a great week!