Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January Happenings

Time is running away from me! I cannot believe that a month has already gone by, with just a blink! I have ten more weeks until little Jens is supposed to make is debut, and I am definitely not ready! This is my last week of work, so hopefully that will help get more things done.

Life is good in the Nielson home. McKell is growing and growing, and this last month has taught herself to open the doors, and she is loving her new found freedom! It makes me nervous, because I keep thinking she is going to try and go out the back door while we are sleeping! I love her so much! She is talking sentences, and can explain herself very well, it is so fun to have someone to talk to during our day and know she understands what you are saying!

In her new jammies she got from Heather and Caleb for her birthday!

Life is perfect when you have Olaf and your counting book.

Can't believe how long that hair is getting! Now if only I knew what to do with it! 

It isn't a very good picture, but is the only one I got from New Years! haha spending time with the Andersons at the Palomar.

Driving home New Years at 1 in the morning! We stayed up way past our bedtime! 

The next day at the Palomar, trying to catch up on partying and sleep! : )

Her adorable new dress she got from Aunt Diana for Christmas! We love it! 

Love this happy girl! 

Helping Grandpa blow out his candles. Happy Birthday Grandpa! We love you more than you will ever know! 

Making sure Mr. G has a turn in the fun walker! McKell thinks of everything! 


Loves wearing other peoples shoes! 

Silly goose.

Trying to pass the time in our second home, the doctors office! She is such a good girl.

More time at Scheels!

Her legs look so long! 

This is how we shop lately at Costco! Can't believe she stayed asleep!

Being a goon : )

Loves playing with Daddy's hard hat.

This girl has the best imagination ever, and always has so much fun pretending! She is so wonderful! 

Movie night at Grandma and Grandpa Nielsons.

One of Dad's many successes lately, he is just too cute! 

Clint went 4-wheeling with Caleb and Mason up Fillmore Canyon and had lots of fun! 

So pretty! 

Two foxes for the collection.

Fingers up for frosting! Celebrating Taylor's birthday! 

Yum Yum! 

Licking up the cute creation Taylor Sue made for her.

Taylor's awesome chocolate with chocolate frosting snowboard cake! Now that is a man to want that! 

The cake decorators!! They look like sisters to me! 

Taylor has a hard time taking pictures! Poor Taylor Sue : )

I love these two! Cutest couple ever : )

McKell helping Tay with his candles.

What a fun night! I love nights with family! 

Getting your check up goes much better when you have your adorable legs crossed! 

Making dinner for her friends! 

So fun! So cute! 

Our little monkey! 

Wearing her hippy sunglasses! I love them! haha

Cozy with Dad. 

Celebrating Doreen's birthday!  Lots of January birthdays! 

Riding Caleb!