Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Happy January!

I cannot believe how this month has flown by! It is already nearing the end and I could have sworn it was only the 5th! Of course it has been a great month, full of adventure and excitement! : ) There is never a dull moment around here! 
McKell is getting more and more of a personality and more of a throwing fits ability! It is scary as a mom, because as she starts a tantrum, I have to remind myself that I am the one that needs to take care of it and teach her! Now how scary is that!
McKell now has six (almost) teeth, the two top are in, and the ones next to them are on there way! 

She has this new thing where she raises her eyebrows at everything! We get such a kick out of it! 

Oh, the many faces of McKell!

She loves to help me hang and take down the diapers, then she piles them all up in the basket then lays on them! It does look quite comfy! 

We have had quite a few moments of McKell falling asleep in her high chair! Clint and I get such a kick out of it! As her eyes keep rolling and rolling in the back of her head! 

All cozied up!

Clint is trying to get her used to the beanie as much as he can! She is still not to sure about it! 

Having a blast at Grandmas! She loves to go to Grandpa and Grandmas! Thank you both for putting up with the noise and mess! We love you! 

Cracking herself up over Gene and Erin's picture! : ) She must remember you guys! 

Grandma has the BEST windows! 

One of McKell's new favorite places, as she tries to sneakily climb onto the table! Oh and did I mention she climb out of her crib already!? 

Where's McKell??

She was so thrilled when I was mopping the floor and all the chairs were moved to the front room! She was in heaven! 

I am doing the dishes one morning as McKell was playing around me, after a minute I realized that she wasn't in the kitchen anymore so as I was looking around I spotted this! 
Oh how she loves her books! 

So so cute!

This girl loves, loves, loves being outside! She can just walk up and down the front walk, singing to herself for at least a half hour straight, before she decides she needs to check out the rest of the property, oh and the deer droppings, which she can't get over their perfect roundness! 

We spend at least an hour or more outside everyday, just checking the property. 

She bounces pretty darn fast over the rocks too, she gets so excited! 

My little rock climber!

"Mom, these perfect round squishy balls of glee are really poop?? Eww!!" 

She adores the front doorstep and it is the perfect little chair for her! Here she will spend another half hour or more of sitting, singing and dancing! 

Oh, but this spot is off limits for Mom! 

Singing her little heart out! 

McKell got the cutest little pull around puppy for Christmas from Caleb and Heather and she loves it! She will pull it all around the house trying the bark....... 

Give him a little talking to.........

Then make sure he knows he is loved and give him kisses! It is so so cute! 

All gussied up! 

She was not very happy as you can clearly tell, but I got the best pictures of it! 

Oh the agony! 

Clint favorite pajamas finally fit! He bought these when we found out we were pregnant, not even knowing it was a girl, but he certainly knew! 

They are pretty dang cute and have been the perfect pair for Supercross season! 

The other night Clint had her going around, twisting her wrist while trying to say, "Brrap!". She almost has it down! 

Super adorable! 

This past week we had a very dear member of the family return back to her Heavenly Father. Aunt Natalie passed away on January 16th in her home. Her funeral was beautiful and so many people came to show their love and support. I have so many great memories of this wonderful women and she has shown so much love to our family! I was able to have quite a remarkable conversation with her at Grandma's wedding, and I don't think it was just by chance. I was so grateful to have known her and shared good times with her.  My prayers are with Gale at this time, as he figures out where to go next with his life, but I know that tragic things happen for a reason and Heavenly Father is here to help us with these hard times. I love you Aunt Natalie! See you soon! 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

My Darling Katherine!

As most of you know I have the most wonderful sister around! She is so caring, kind and thoughtful and always wants to help everyone out in any way possible! I just love her so much! My life wouldn't be complete without her!
Well she surprised me a few days ago (well she didn't want me to find out) with a video she had made and posted to youtube. Many of you may know the talented Lindsey Stirling (she is FabULouS!!). Well Lindsey was holding a violin give away contest and Katherine wanted me to enter it! You had to make a video, showing what you did for service as part of your entry. With my Dad's help they put together the cutest video and posted it. (without me knowing!) This is probably one of the nicest things ever! Even if she didn't win the contest, I am overjoyed that Katherine would want to do this for me!


Check out the video!!


Thursday, January 2, 2014

more Birthdays, Graduations, Christmas, Weddings........ and a New Year!

We celebrated McKell's birthday twice! One with Clint's family and one with my own! I had misplaced my camera :/ during the first party, but got some of these pictures the second party! McKell wasn't to fond of any of the birthday halabalooo, didn't like opening presents either day, and could care less about her cake. She would she daintily pick off the frosting with two fingers and gently set it on her angelic tongue! : ) That's our little girl!  

Teasing with Dad! 

Trying to distract her from the party hat. It was probably on for only about 2.5 seconds! 

No, she doesn't like things on her head! 

The cook! He would have to be my favorite pizza man! 

Grandma showing off battle wounds : ) 

This season we were so happy to be able to have Diana, Mark, CJ and Matt here for the holidays! Diana and CJ were able to make it for the party! 

Opening presents...... not very intrigued. 

There are those two fingers..... 

I was privileged to be able to attend Suzanne's graduation from Nursing School! It was so fun! I only wish I could have been up there with her, maybe someday!
Diana was able to do her pinning, what a treat! 

What an accomplishment! I get chills and just about start crying every time I think about it! 
Okay... I am crying.... goodness!! 

That smile says it all! I love you Suzanne! Thank you for being a incredible example! 

Christmas Morning! 

McKell loved the stockings!! 

McKell trying out her new boots!! 

They work pretty good! Now its time to see how they work outside! 

Chewing on the lights!


Grandma Clark got married the day after Christmas! It turned out beautiful, she was absolutely stunning, looking about 20 years younger! She deserves all the happiness in the world! 

The wedding took place at Lambert's cabin up the canyon.


Oh, and did I mention I had the opportunity to play the wedding song, just like in the movies! 

Congratulations to the newlyweds! 

Not a very good picture, but at least it proves we were all there! : )

Grandma with her sisters.

What a great looking family! 

All the siblings! 

Jennica, keeping watch over the hot chocolate! 

Margie, grandma's sister, made the wedding cake, it was gorgeous! 

Nicely feeding each other with plates and forks! haha

Love this picture of Diana, Suzanne and Kat....... oh and Mom, even though I don't know what she is doing! 

Love spending time with these great people! 

What a great picture! 

No one should ever have to be alone, so happy for them both! 

Fuzzy :/ but super cute!!! I love, Love! Now these two cuties are off to Hawaii!!

During the McGill's time here. Clint spent as many days as he could taking them hunting. Early mornings and late nights, he only wished he could have be able to go more! This picture is during a break : ) CJ, seeing if our couch passes the test! 

Clint really wore them out! 

Matt had some great luck one morning! 

They can sleep anywhere! 

Our little Rapunzel! What a doll!  

Love those eyes! She loves the tub, the bathroom door has to be kept shut! Keeping a close eye on this one! 

Her faces..... she must get those from her dad ; )

Trying out her new coat! 

She loves her stuffed animals!! Max, Giraffe, and Paskel! We love them too! 

We even got to see Mariesa for Christmas! Love you!

Headed to church! 

I don't know if taking pictures in Sunday School is allowed, but she is just too cute and Clint couldn't resist! 
She likes to take the keys out of the diaper bag and try to unlock the door! 

Getting a little "tude". What a stinker!

Sporting her Christmas dress from Dominick! 

Helping Mom in the kitchen! Yes I finally did McKell's hair! haha The girls at work were giving me a hard time about her hair, saying I needed to try pigtails! So here they are! They are pretty cute! : ) Now this will hopefully expand my bravery into other things! Hair scares me! 

Love this girl!