Thursday, May 26, 2016

2.20.16 - 3.20.16

Wow, time flies! Which you already know, but I am reminded of it even more everytime I sit down to blog! I swear all this stuff just happened and it was almost four months ago. Starting out the fun, is the day of Tay and Tay's wedding! Awesome day! 

Got her hair done at Grandma's for the big day! 

Stopping for supplies to last us the day! haha

Love this man! So happy that Tay and Tay can now feel happiness as wonderful as this.


Getting out of the cold while waiting for the bride and groom.

Here they come!!

I love the happiness that I can see on Taylor's face from this day on! 

Sappy little goose waiting for thousands of pictures to be taken. 

This is one of my favorite faces of hers. 

My loves. 


Coolest Uncle Ben walked McKell over to the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory. You'll never guess what she got! haha 

Delicious (??) chocolate covered marshmallow.

Waiting and dancing.

Chandler wanted a cute picture with Jens! bahahahahahaha

Taking a breather from the dinner, she had had it, but was still a good sport. 

Changed her clothes and wammo she is out! 

Another one bites the dust.

Playing with Kat the next day! I love that Benny is in the picture. Love you Ben.

We lost a Birdie and she gladly went and got it : )




On the road again...

Swimming with Katherine!

Holy Prune Toes! 


My two loves.

Wanting to be like Jens! 

How's that working out for you?

Little Diva.



Frosting anyone?


Playing in Doug and Roberta's cool yard while waiting for the mechanics (Clint and Dan) to finish up.

Treats in the trunk.

We love going for walks! 

Two of the sleepiest people I know.

Good morning! 

Walking to the park.

Look who we found at the park! 

Sleepover with Katherine! 

Hanging out at the cabin before the reception.

Why not?


Handsome Devils.

Clint went to go pick up Dan for work and couldn't find him! Ran all over their house, and here he sat. bahahahaha

Quail anyone?

Four wheeler rides with cuties.

Cool forts. 

Haha What happens in the fort, stays in the fort. 

Jens' favorite thing to help with. I just have to make sure I get all the knives out before he dives in there. haha

Second child problems.

He is still as cute as ever. 

Random pictures I find on my phone.

Little Climber.

Cabella over to play!

Lexie over to play in the same day!

Sleepy babies.

Where is her face?? hahahaha

The people of Wal-Mart. bahahahaha

Swimming again! Can you tell that we love it! 

Fancy tricks.

Visit to the temple.

I love these people so much.

Checking out the disney store.


We had so much fun, I couldn't believe how awesome it was, everyone enjoyed it. 

I am guessing it was an intense part?? Maybe the wolves? hahaha

She had an absolute blast. What a fun time.

Back home again.

Cutest silly people.

Clint trying to get a good 4 generation picture. I love it.

How they go on, every. time.


Headed out for a ride partner?? 

Him and those faces. 

Stacking away.


Sleepover in the front room with Dad.

A day at the pool and the park with Shaye and Cabella.

Beautiful Sunday!

Pretty proud of her castle!

Sending goodnight pictures to Dad.

Such a big helper.

Beautiful days outside.

Teasing Jens.

Headed out to Daniel's Funeral. I had to work.

What a great man. He is so missed.

One of Jens' obsessions. The toothbrush.

Up north again! Clint wanted to get a bunch of trips in before the outage started. 

Shopping in style.

Hanging out on the roof with Dad. hahaha

Getting as much food in as he can before church. 

One of his other obsessions.

Best seat in the house!

Date with Dad! 

So cute! 

Chicks anyone?

Got a horse ride at the gas station. She was THRILLED!!

Best day ever, Mom!!

Playing at Calebs and Heathers. 

Outfit of the day.

Best seat in the house! 

First ride of the season! 

Headed to Britt Nicole!!! 

Dinner at The View/Garden on top of the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. So awesome and delicious!!


Big man!

Sticky love.

Tucking in her dolls for bedtime.

Awesome huge box!

Loves books as much as his sister.

Taking Caleb's shoe to market.

Happy St. Patricks Day! 

St. Patty's Dinner.

Doubling up in the single stroller! hahaha

Love this!! 

Coloring Eggs with Katherine! 

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