Monday, October 28, 2013

Family Pictures

Well not to much to report this week, it was mainly uneventful except for a grand trip up north with Mom and Dad! Mom and Dad kindly invited us to go to a movie and to lunch with them on Wednesday. So we packed up and away we went! We dropped off McKell with Tawnya and Morgan and made our way into the theater. We went and saw The Saratov Approach. It was absolutely incredible! It was a true story about two missionaries that were kidnapped in Russia in 1998. I learned so much from that movie and continually felt the spirit. It is one that everyone should go see! Afterwards we went and ate at P.F. Chang which was extremely tasty, which we topped off with a slice of heavenly cheesecake! Yum : ) Thanks Mom and Dad for a wonderful time!
We also got our family pictures back from Shayla we we got taken two weeks ago..... : )

McKell is just walking in circles around me! For the past three days she has finally been standing up on her own! So there is pretty much nothing she can't do these days! : ) 

Tawnya and Morgan got this adorable picture while babysitting! I absolutely love it! What a doll!

She loves to play with the fall decorations, which includes dancing with the pumpkins and gourd : ) Also likes to help with the laundry and will pull out the clothes and hand them to me! She is still dancing like crazy and has learned how to shake her booty! opps! I am not really sure where she learned that! : ) 

Here are just a few of my favorite shots! 

This is how she really feels about getting kisses I guess!

This is just the natural occurrence at our house, always doing a balancing act! : )

Love our little angel! 

She is a Daddy's girl for sure! 

And this is what happens when Mom has her! Geez! I didn't think I was that hard on her! 

That's a little better! 

Love those pearly whites! 

This is my absolute favorite! 

 Really happy with how they turned out! Can't wait to do Christmas cards! 

So excited for Halloween this week! Got McKell an Itsy Bitsy Spider costume! It should be fun! 

Friday, October 18, 2013

Conference, Pumpkins and Midterms

I apologize for the delay in posts, but life with family, school and work just gets busy! : ) Patience is a virtue Katherine! : )
McKell is walking, she started really trying at the first of October and was doing well, but now she is on fire! She can't quite stand up on her own yet, but once she is standing she goes over to whatever she wants! Oh, and she can squat for centuries! It is so cute! I LOVE this stage! I think it is one of my favorites! I love how she is so mobile and can go on many great adventures in our own little home! 
She has also started talking, of course not English, but her and I have had great conversations together! She also loves opening books and reading them to herself! Brings a tear to her mommas eye : ) 
Midterms came and went, thankfully with a smile! I was able to achieve a 94% on my midterm! Yee-haw!!
Work has been going well, I have been able to keep it about to one day a week thankfully, and really enjoy the time that I am there! 
McKell is always constantly rolling the dough from patty-cake! I will have to post a video of that next week! 

Tis' the season for Elk Hunting, so here is our little Elk Princess! Isn't she the cutest?!?

Our little go getter! This is from the first of October, now she just takes off on her own without us even knowing! 

That's my girl, show off what your momma gave ya! : )

Clint and Caleb went Pine Chicken Hunting in Fillmore Canyon and found quite the surprise! A giant mushroom! That is Clint's hat sitting by it so you can see how big it is!

Holy Macrole! 

My hunk with the prize : )

Up north for a food shopping/family picture clothes shopping trip! We love Costco! 

Look at that face!!!

Little stinker at her favorite post! : ) 

Visiting Sammie, Heather and Caleb's newest addition to the family

Even though I am not the biggest dog or cat lover, you just can't help but love that little face! So cute!

Modeling her October jammies : ) they glow in the dark! Score!

She usually sleeps on her side or back, but going her to check on her she was truly modeling the stink bug! 

Conference weekend Dan found this gorgeous butterfly! So pretty! 

Enjoying conference at the Nielson's

She loved the Tabernacle choir!!! 

Love that little Sammie! 

I can't get enough of this outfit! Just so darn cute! 

those lips....... : )

Boog and Sammie

Nielson family tradition; Conference weekend = Carving Pumpkins
My pumpkin, the one on the far left, didn't turn out so well! I was trying to do a stethoscope, needle, and such, but while trying to carve it the pumpkin was to brittle and the whole thing just kind of caved in! So it looks like a frog getting dental work done instead, but whatever works! : ) 

Clint was trying to make his pumpkin look like McKell, and he succeeded with the two buck teeth and the adorable round eyes! 

Adorable Mossy Oak boots we found for McKell! They will go perfect with her Carhart overalls that Grandpa Clark got her! 

A bathtime lovers' paradise : ) and McKell truly loves her baths! She will sit and play in there just as happy as can be and I am the one that has to take her out because the water has turned to ice! 
Love my happy little girl! 

We had family pictures done, and this was when we were about to head out! Having the nap right before help her be happy during the shoot, even though she was freezing! But she was such a trooper! Can't wait to see the finished product! 

Love love love that outfit! 

Daddy's little Elk hunter! We went out to where they were hunting for the day just to get a taste for that barren Deseret air! : ) she loved it of course! 

My two adorable hunters! 

Love those lips! 

Tis' the season! Yum! 

My number one girl! 

Look at those chompers! 

The power people came and put in new power poles along the rode, so this is the last picture of the overgrown Russian Olive, yes they cut it down! Clint was sad, but I would have to admit I didn't mind seeing it go! Sorry Clint! : )

The adorable outfit Aunt Diana got McKell! We love it! 

Showing off her walking skills!